Thursday, May 24, 2012

CHEP Update

As we are into the 4th Day of CHEP a quick overview of the activities of Scotgrid, GridPP and the conference as a whole is now in order.

We have presented our posters and have generated interest in Storage, Job failures, Network Security and some of the work we have conducted with IPv6. Several potential collaborations with other sites and developers have resulted from these presentations. Andy and Wahid had several successful talks and there was a high volume of interest on the work being discussed.

From a GridPP perspective Chris Walker's poster on using Lustre for low cost petascale storage also generated a large volume of interest. Talks given by other members of the collaboration were equally well received.

The conference itself has covered the multiple developments within the field over the last 12 - 18 months with presentations investigating a variety of topics including federations for data, the future of CPUs/GPU, ultra high speed networking and common software architectures for the experiments.

The variety of techniques being deployed and approaches taken to Grid centric problems are always of interest.

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