Friday, November 19, 2010

Second Cream CE for Glasgow First steps

We are currently in the process of installing a second Cream CE at Glasgow. This will replace one of the LCG CEs at Glasgow. As this is my first major service install since joining ScotGrid and the Gridpp project at the end of August I thought I would share the process for this type of service change with the wider community.

The first steps undertaken by myself was to drain the current LCG-CE to prepare it for the new install, the commands are shown below.

" For multiple CE's with shared queues. Edit the gip file on the CE you wish to drain. This blocks WMS submission: 

vim /opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-dynamic-pbs

change: push @output, "GlueCEStateStatus: $Status\n"
to: push @output, "GlueCEStateStatus: Draining\n" "

" on the batch machine: vim /etc/hosts.equiv comment out the machine you wish to stop accepting jobs and restart maui: 

svr016:~# cat /etc/hosts.equiv "
However the GOCDB was not updated by myself to indicate scheduled 
downtime for this service change and after a GGUS ticket this was quickly
rectified.  We are waiting on the jobs to drain from the LCG-CE just now
 before continuing with the install early next week.

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