Olivier and Alessandra were running this patch at IC and Manchester, so I was reassured enough to apply it to the live system. Checking the gatekeeper logs it doesn't seem to have broken anything, and hopefully it will make a difference for our local users attempting to get GRAM working properly.
Just in case the CE goes down in flames, the patched Helper.pm has been added to cfengine's skeleton files and a new line added to the copy stanza:
# This applies patch https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=4400 to the CE
# which should allow for stagein with globus-job-{submit,run}. Also rumored to help
# with ATLAS condor submissions...
$(skel)/ce/gatekeeper/Helper.pm mode=0755 dest=/opt/globus/lib/perl/Globus/GRAM/Helper.pm type=sum
Finally, there's a rumor that this patch might help with ATLAS condor submissions. For the record svr016 currently is at 70% on the ATLAS Prod site efficiency pages. I'll keep an eye on this (although it mixes condor and RB submissions, so it's quite hard to track each method separately).
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