Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Devolution? cfengine style

In an attempt to allow the stragglers of the cluster to feel as if they are doing their own thing, we have let them lurk on the right hand side of the machine room, safe in their "slightly different hardware" setup to allow them to feel "Speshul". Time... for some "gentle persuasion" in the guise of cfengine.

First off, Not all disk servers are created equal. Once we'd Created and formatted the array, we then had to mount it. Cue the following snippet in the directories: stanza
# Mount points for Raid space
/gridstore0 mode=0755 owner=root group=root
/gridstore1 mode=0755 owner=root group=root
/gridstore2 mode=0755 owner=root group=root
/gridstore3 mode=0755 owner=root group=root
/gridstore4 mode=0755 owner=root group=root

and a new central /etc/fstab thrown out to all the nodes (in the copy: stanza)
$(skel)/disksvr/etc/fstab mode=644 dest=/etc/fstab type=sum

Finally I remembered that I should have reduced roots reserved space to zero on those chunks:
for i in `seq 1 5` ; do tune2fs -r 0 /dev/sdb$i ; done

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